babel n. 1.【圣经】(古巴比伦人建筑未成的)通天塔〔见创世纪十一章〕。 2.〔b-〕 〔比喻〕摩天楼;空想的计划。 3.〔b-〕 喧哗,混乱声。 raise a Babel of criticism 引起纷纷议论。 n. -ism 〔有时作 b-〕(思想、语言等的)混乱。 vt. -ize 使(习俗、语言等)混杂。
tower n. 塔,楼塔;城堡;碉堡;要害地;〔罕用语〕(负伤鸟的)笔直向上飞;〔美国〕铁路信号所。 a bell tower 钟楼。 a keep tower 城楼。 a martello tower 【历史】海岸圆炮塔。 a watch tower 望楼。 a water tower 给水塔;(水库泄水口的)水塔。 the T- (of London) 伦敦塔。 tower and town 〔诗〕有人家的地方。 tower of ivory 象牙塔。 tower of strength 非常可靠的人;干城,柱石。 vi. 高耸 (above); 胜过;(鹰等)翱翔;(负伤的鸟)笔直飞上去。 n. 托尔(斯)〔姓氏〕。
Babel , or " babel tower " , aka " the tower to heaven " , is originated in chapter 11 in bible , together with the legend of god mixing up mankind ' s accent “巴别塔” ,亦称“通天塔” ,源于《圣经》第十一章耶和华变乱世人口音的传说。
We can imagine that , from narrative angle of humans , there is nothing can infuriated god so much as human ' s effort to build babel tower , because the human wants to invade his territory owned by god solemnly ; and from narrative angle of god , there is also nothing can be more ridiculous so much as human ' s effort to build babel tower , because the human was assured that they have already mastered the skill needed to communicate , without knowing that it will only lead to enlarging the gap between human beings 我们可以设想,从人类的叙事角度来讲,没有比试图营造巴别塔的努力更让上帝震怒? ?因为人类试图进入只有他才能够涉足的领地;而如果从上帝的角度来做一番叙事,那么,也没有比试图建造巴别塔的努力更让上帝感觉可笑,因为人类自以为掌握了沟通的技能,其实这有可能只会加深人与人之间的鸿沟。